
영어공부하실 때 유용한 무료 사이트

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1. 아리랑 뉴스(Arirang)

_ 세계인에게 한국을 알리는 글로벌 대표 국제방송사

_ 한국의 시사, 문화, 역사에 관한 영어정보를 해외에 제공하는 곳

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The World On arirang


한국을 대표하는 글로벌 방송! The World On Arirang!

세계인에게 한국을 알리는 글로벌 대표 국제방송사. 아리랑 TV는 한국의 시사, 문화, 및 역사에 관한 영어 정보를 한국 주변 지역에 제공하고 있다. A global representative international broadcasting company th





2. 브레이킹뉴스 잉글리쉬 (Breaking News English)

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Breaking News English Lessons: Easy English World News Materials - ESL


Breaking News English - Easier News Lessons

English News Lessons in 7 levels with graded multi-level listening and variable scrolled-reading, and all-skills activities.





3. ESOL Courses

Free English Lessons Online
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4. 라인웹툰 영어 사이트

_ 한국 유명한 웹툰들을 영어로 볼 수 있는 사이트

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+ 그림과 함께 영어 대사를 보면서 자연스럽게 학습 가능

WEBTOON - Read Comics Online (webtoons.com)





5. 스타폴 StarFall

_ 영유아 영어 동화책 무료 사이트 

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Starfall Education: Kids Games, Movies, & Books K-3


Starfall Education: Kids Games, Movies, & Books K-3

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6. Loyal Books
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7. Lyrics training 

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Learn Languages with Music Videos, Lyrics and Karaoke! (lyricstraining.com)


Learn Languages with Music Videos, Lyrics and Karaoke!

Enjoy learning languages for free playing with the music videos and filling in the lyrics of your favorite songs: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Dutch, Turkish and more.




8. Ted 

_ 다양한 분야의 유명인사들의 강연을 듣는 사이트 

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TED: Ideas worth spreading


TED: Ideas worth spreading

TED Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity, with subtitles in 100+ languages. Ideas free to stream and download.





9. Visual Dictionary _ The visual reference

_ 이미지와 함께 영어 단어를 익힐 수 있는 사이트 

_ 이미지 위의 단어를 클릭하면 발음도 들을 수 있으며, 영영풀이가 제공


Visual Dictionary (ikonet.com)


Visual Dictionary

Welcome to the Visual Dictionary Start your exploration of the 17 themes by clicking one of the thumbnails below, or use the search engine to browse through our larger-than-life image database.






100일 영스프, 3일차

100일간의 영어 스터디 프로젝트 



100일영스프, 100일간의 영어 스터디 프로젝트 모집!

​2020년 한해도 얼마 남지 않았습니다. 아마도 다들 2021년 목표를 세우고 계실텐데..매번 빠지 않는 영어...


Updated: 2020-12-31 16:32:03 KST


It would not be an exaggeration to say that K-pop artists went to the very top of pop stardom in 2020.
BTS was the first Korean artist to top both the Billboard Hot 100 and 200 charts, not just once but several times.
But one expert says that there are reasons behind the band's success.
BTS knew what was popular in the music industry, but didn't follow trends and instead created their own path.

"I think what's really really special is that they didn't necessarily need to backtrack or follow certain trends, only record in English or only work with certain people, certain producers, whatever might be."

This led to the Korean language song 'Life Goes On' reaching the top of the Billboard Hot 100.
The band's music aimed to deliver messages of hope to try and empathize with fans.
"BTS has talked a lot about different struggles of young people whether that has been school bullying or mental health issues. I think it's this idea that you can be recognized and you can feel like there's an artist that is speaking to you and talks to you."

The columnist points out that the group always tried to be innovative such as by performing at historical sites while wearing Korean traditional clothing - 'Hanbok'.

"So they could kind of keep recreating the stuff they have done. But instead I think it is special that they always pushing themselves whether that's taking more artistic involvement in their music, trying new sounds, new collaborators."

As BTS has already picked up honors in 2020 Billboard Music Awards and American Music Awards, all eyes will be on the Grammys scheduled for January.
BLACKPINK too has been enjoying global popularity with three music videos surpassing one-billion YouTube views eachand reaching Number Two in the Billboard 200 with 'The Album'.
For further recognition, expert says the girl group needs to be more accessible to its audience, like it was in the Netflix documentary: 'BLACKPINK: Light up the Sky'.

"The success of K-pop artists such as BTS and BLACKPINK shows that the rules of the music industry are not set in stone, and that music like K-pop can also be a major player on the global music scene. Kim Bo-kyoung, Arirang News."

Reporter : reina5467@gmail.com


2020 K-pop wrap-up; reasons behind BTS' successNews | arirang TV


한국을 대표하는 글로벌 방송! The World On Arirang!

세계인에게 한국을 알리는 글로벌 대표 국제방송사. 아리랑 TV는 한국의 시사, 문화, 및 역사에 관한 영어 정보를 한국 주변 지역에 제공하고 있다. A global representative international broadcasting company th




'100일영스프(영어스터디)' 카테고리의 다른 글

영어공부 무료 사이트 추천 목록  (1) 2021.01.04

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